Saturday, April 30, 2011


I've left this thing in a terrible state of suspense, haven't I?

Lots of changes since my last post, and while I couldn't spill at the time, I can finally return to my over-sharing self.

So, this is how it all went down:

I accepted a job with Upper Canada Soap sometime in mid-March. It wasn't an entirely perfect fit as the role was pretty admin-heavy with not much room for creative expression. But, I liked the people and there was definite moving-up potential. I started at the beginning of this month, and joined the commuting masses for a 1.5 hour trek (each way!) to and from Mississauga every day. The journey involved: a subway trip to the end of the line, a bus trip to the outer edges of the TTC service area, and a rapist's-dream walk through a desolate industrial/wooded area. Not ideal, but by the end of my 2-week stint at the job, i was beginning to enjoy the me-time. I devoured 2 books and incorporated some Starbucks motivation by getting off of the bus one stop earlier.

However, the job itself wasn't exactly doing it for me. By the end of day 2, I was feeling a bit bummed about the whole thing. Was I not meant for greater things? But, as Alex loves to say, "the Universe provides" and a very unexpected opportunity/rescue mission came my way. At 6pm, I was summoned to a meeting with the heads of GelaSkins and by 8:30, I had accepted an offer.

 (Kinda fitting after being an unofficial face of the company for the last year!)

I'm a nice girl, though. I honoured the 2-week-notice clause in my contract at Upper Canada. It was an unbearable thing to start and quit a job within the span of two days. It's not exactly a friend-making move. Did I come to work with a highly contagious rash? Did I engage in a scandalous office affair? Well, no. But I might as well have.

Whew. Done. Now I'm free to blab.

So, I've shaved 2 hours off of my commute, the office coffee is plentiful and awesome (thanks Dark City), and the new job rocks. Officially my title is Communications Manager, but the group isn't big on labels. It's a team effort, and I'm still trying to figure out exactly where I fit. I'm a little piece of jigsaw-puzzle sky. Regardless of what my role really shapes up to be, I am loving it. It's creative and challenging and I'm surrounded by passionate, motivated and funny-ha-ha people. Ahhhhh.

Yes, I knew I was meant for bigger things. I am among peers. I am sufficiently caffeinated. I am thriving.


  1. Congrats on the new gig, Dayna!

  2. I'm so glad to hear that things are working out, go you!
